We offer thorough house washing services that will keep your exterior spotless.
At Piedmont Home Services, we know that your home is important to you, and we want to help you take care of it. One way we do that is by offering expert house washing services that will both ensure that your home always looks its best and protect your home from unnecessary wear and tear. Dirt and grime can create friction against your siding that causes it to wear out faster, so it’s important to keep your home clean in order to prevent this. Our team has extensive experience in house washing, and you can count on us to deliver the top-notch results you deserve.
Our house washing services are designed to get rid of not only dirt and grime, but also mold, mildew, algae, and any other contaminants that may be present on your exterior. These organisms can eat into your siding and cause it to rot away, so our team makes sure to remove all traces of them, so your exterior will remain in great condition. On top of the damage that these contaminants can do, they also attract and trap dirt particles, which means that removing them will also keep your home cleaner in the long run.
We are proud to serve the Advance, North Carolina community, and we want to help you do what’s best for your home. If your home is looking dull or grimy, we encourage you to give us a call to schedule a visit from our house washing experts.
At Piedmont Home Services, we offer house washing services in Winston-Salem, Advance, Kernersville, Pfafftown, Lewisville, Clemmons, and Bermuda Run, North Carolina.